
   We took time on a beautiful Thursday afternoon and visited the retirement community in Laguna Niguel. The residents there were welcoming and gracious and willingly helped us by answering the following questions about historical events that took place throughout their lifespan. We met so many wonderful people with inspiring stories to share. They opened up, cried, and gave us a glimpse of the past. Most of these residents were in their late eighties and early nineties.   


What did you think about JFK as the president?

Well I think I thought the same thing as everybody, He tried his best,
it was a terrible thing that he had been murdered. As a person he seemed like a good man although it was evident he was having his own share of affairs. But he was a very respectable president. 

What was your reaction to the Cuban Missal Crisis?

That's really complicated, I'm very disturbed about the challenges going on in our political society here..
very disturbed.

Do you think Oswald acted on his own?

I really don't know, I cant imagine anyone being that defiant to our country, there's a possibility but ill never know.

What do you remember about Lyndon B Johnson?

Well I remember he had a great sense of humor, I was just reading about him, he made that comment 
that if he walked across the Potomac River, people would say "Our President Can't swim!" 
Overall I thought he was a good president.He stepped into a rough spot though and had big shoes to fill but I think he did the best he could and in the end that was enough. 

Did you agree with the Vietnam war?

This is a difficult topic for me.I don't think we had a choice, My grandson is a 
commander and my husband served as a navy general so there are many things. It's just one of those things we had to do but I certainly didn't like it. Not one bit.

What do you remember about Martin Luther King Jr.?

Well, I remember he was quite a hero to his people and many white people.I think he believed in everything he did.To be absolutely honest with you I didn't agree with all of his beliefs. But he did have a right to them and I think his people loved him and I think he tried to do what was right.

Did you ever see any acts of racism in your community?

Yes, when I was a child..I've seen a lot of racism..They make a big issue about it. Actions 
speak louder than words and I still see it.

Do you remember Robert Kennedy's Assassination?

Yes, that was horrible.They showed it on television of course and it was unbelievable that another Kennedy was Murdered. I know a lot of people didn't care for him but I can not believe that murder is ever the answer. And when I saw him lying on the floor there shot I couldn't believe what had happened. Twice now.

What Type music did you listen to in the 1960's?

Well I liked uh..Jazz, at this time my music was changing to my children's type of music. I guess that's why I accepted it. Of course what we liked was the old swing like Glen Miller and Gene Cooper and people of that nature that played smooth melodies.Of course.. we are in our nineties and that is the music most appealing to us.They dancing was cute but I think it's gotten to the point where its lost all of its beauty, lost all the rhythm, and dancing should be beautiful so I'm distraught. 


Did you know anyone who served in the Vietnam war?

My  husband was in the Vietnam war, so he was a doctor he was great um it was a very it was a difficult time I had a little baby and we had to figure out a way to get to one of the countries that was near Vietnam so that the three year old could get to see daddy and not think that something happened to him. My husband was great and fought hard and wonderfully.All the patriots got his message it was in many ways very wonderful.

Did you agree with the Vietnam war?

I went to Vietnam after and my husband came to see me, I was there for like a day, I think we did the best we could and the Americans that were there tried hard.

What do you remember about John F. Kennedy being president?

I don't really remember terribly much, all I could think of was I just wanted change.

Did you like Kennedy?

Seemed okay..

Do you remember his assassination?

I think there's no excuse for that but it was tragic and yes I was nervous for the fate of our country.. not knowing what was going to happen next was the scariest part.

Do you think Oswald acted on his own?

I can't recall that, I don't know that we are ever going to know for sure.I think someone wanted to steal his power instead of letting him have it which I understand that aspect. ya know it was pretty horrible.


Do you remember the Martin Luther King Jr. Assassination?

Well just that it was pretty awful and that it was um for no reason that made any sense. people killing people because they just don't like what they have to say and it's not that I was ever a big fan of his but i think he's contributed some very good things to our country and things that were needed by those other people and so there was really no excuse for that.

Do you remember the Cuban missal crisis? 

Um not very well, frankly I don't know what to say... next question..?

What was your opinion of Lyndon B Johnson? 

Frankly, he wasn't my favorite, no.


What did you think of Kennedy as the President?

I never thought much of him.. no I didn't like him and for reasons I would rather not say. 

Do you remember Lyndon Johnson?

Didn't really care for him much either.

Do you agree with the Vietnam war?

No, I don't agree with it or war in general. Sending kids to a battle where there's a 50/50 chance
of getting killed or surviving just doesn't make any logical sense to me.

Did you ever protest against the Vietnam war?

No, I never did anything like that, I just went along with the way things were.

Did you ever see any evidence of racism in your community?

I grew up in a city where there were French, German, Greek, and we all got along pretty well. 

Do you remember the Watergate scandal?

Nixon was a weak link and well he started to head down a spiral and I didn't vote for him.

What type of music did you listen to in the 1960's?

I listened to a variety of dancing music that the kids were all over and I never cared for it much but I 
pretended to care because I was a teacher.


Do you remember Martin Luther King Jr?

I know the name and I know there's a day called that but I don't know much else about him.
Didn't usually stick up for them if you know what I mean.

Were you a fan of President Kennedy?

Yes,I was intrigued by his charisma and his confidence was astounding. Of course he didn't really fit my paradigm of what a president should look like but in the end he set the bar very high and I was proud to have been apart of the country with him at the head.

Do you remember anything about the Cuban Missal Crisis?

I remember that it was a stressful time in the white house and I recall being terrified that Khrushchev had a plan.I think our president handled it very well and I was very pleased with the outcome of the difficult situation.

Do you believe that Oswald acted on his own or was there more to it than that?

Absolutely not, That man was a knucklehead and certainly a scapegoat. This was clearly a premeditated group effort and a lot of planning took place before the event. A single man in a book store could not have pulled that off, there is just no way that could be. 

What was your favorite kind of music in the 1960's? 

I was a big fan of rock because the words reflected what everyone was thinking. It was all very connected and I know
that it made my kids happy too.

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